Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Rice Bowl of Malaysia

Kedah is the place for a great family vacation. Visitors can enjoy fabulous islands (such as Pulau Langkawi, Pulau Bunting, etc) , trek up mountains and into the depth of the forest or explore the countryside of Kedah
Some of tWhat to see and enjoy
Tropical fruits
Enjoy an abundance of exotic tropical fruits in Kedah - durian, rambutan, water apple (photo), nangka, dokong, mangosteen, etc.

Rice cultivation
Drive through the countryside and villages of Kedah. Did you know: Of about 669,000 hectares of land devoted to rice cultivation in Malaysia, over 30 % of the land area is in Kedah?
For location of Kedah and free maps, go to ..........http://www.mymalaysiabooks.com/kedah/kedah.htm

Check this out